However you choose to use your sugar kettle, it will enhance the beauty of your yard. The Sugar Kettle is primarily a product of the South, where large cotton and sugar plantations were located. Since they were made of cast iron, these vessels were also used for cooking on the plantation. The majority of Sugar Kettles were sent off to be melted down for the nation's war efforts during World War 2. We were able to obtain some of these unique treasures and have them reproduced.
Complete Kit Includes:
• 37" dia. x 13" high Cast Iron Sugar Kettle, 64#
• 3" high plastic Kettle Stand
• 48" Achelous Aquabox Basin with Anti-Splash Material
• Additional Basin Support Column
• 7,800 GPH Illumiflow Pump
• Necessary Plumbing and Tubing
• Splash Apron
• Automatic Water Fill Kit