Pondless® Waterfall Vault
The Aquascape Pondless® Waterfall Vault is the ideal pump vault for use in Pondless® Waterfalls, rainwater harvesting systems, and more. The vault is designed to integrate with Aquascape AquaBlox®, effectively protecting pumps while making installation quick, precise, and simple. Its durable, rotationally molded, rounded polyethylene shape maximizes structural strength, while its large interior fits a wide range of pump sizes up to 12,500 gallons per hour. The vault’s extra-wide opening makes it easy to access the interior of the vault for pump maintenance. The Aquascape Pondless® Waterfall Vault also includes a durable lid with a built-in water level inspection port, allowing the vault to be easily camouflaged and out of sight. The optional Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extension can be used when creating deeper basins using the AquaBlox® large water storage modules, making it perfectly sized to meet the need of a wide variety of projects. The vault also carries a lifetime warranty, ensuring years of trouble-free use.
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