Large 8" tines allow for maximum removal with every toss. It is efficient at removing submerged lake & pond weeds, pulling out the roots of aquatic weeds slowing their re-growth, and removing surface debris. Get to the root of your lake or pond weed problem with the lowest, widest lake weed rake in the industry. The Jenlis Weed Raker mud rake can greatly assist when you also have dead decaying matter at the bottom of your pond, as this matter can feed the growth of more aquatic vegetation and nutrient-rich muck.
Raker Head Width: 37"
Raker Tine Length: 8"
Pole Length: 11'
Pull Rope Length: 43'
Weight: 7 lb
Warranty: 1-Year
The Jenlis Weed Raker is designed for removing submerged, partially emergent, or emergent aquatic vegetation from underwater.
The Jenlis Weed Rake is designed to remove:
If you have recently cut your weeds with the Weed Razer, use the Jenlis Weed Raker to remove the remaining roots that lie beneath the surface of your lake or pond bottom. Allow the Raker head to sink to the bottom. Use a back-and-forth motion with the Jenlis Weed Raker handle and stir up the bottom. The long teeth of the Weed Raker will dig into the bottom and dislodge the root system of most leafy submerged aquatic vegetation. The large lake weed rake head is ideal for gathering and moving piles of cut weeds.